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2017-05-2403:00大同 台北指油壓

/ Staff writer, with CNAThe nation’s diplomatic allies, as well as the US, Germany and Australia, on Monday spoke out on behalf of Taiwan regarding its failed bid to join the WHO’s 70th World Health Assembly (WHA) as an observer in the face of pressure from Chinese authorities.It is simply absurd for China to claim that Taiwan is “a province of China,” as Taiwan demonstrates all the conditions of a sovereign nation — an autonomous government, free elections and its own national anthem and national flag, Vincentian Minister of Health Robert Browne said in regards to China’s citation of the “one China” principle.“We know that we are fighting for the right cause, and ensuring that the WHA lives up to its name,” Browne said.The WHO should not make political compromises and should distance itself from politics, Browne said, adding that he hoped that his speech might open doors for Taiwan.Taiwan has done more for Palau than China, Palauan Minister of Health Emais Roberts said, adding that he personally cherished his nation’s relations with Taiwan.It is not right for the WHO to be doing exactly the opposite of what its members espouse through talks of basic human rights, national health programs and assertions that “no one will be abandoned,” Roberts said.“We must express the US’ disappointment,” US Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price said in regards to Taiwan not receiving an invitation to attend the WHA as an observer, as it has for the past eight years.Disease is not concerned with national borders and can spread rapidly, which poses a danger to the safety of people around the world, Price said, adding that the US hoped the next WHO secretary-general would prioritize disease-related issues so nations worldwide might prevent, detect, react to and control diseases and outbreaks.“We believe that the WHO and the WHA should be as inclusive as possible,” Australia’s representative said, adding that Canberra believed inviting Taiwan to attend as an observer was an important signal that the WHO is interacting with Taiwan.Germany supports that all entities “meaningfully participate [in the WHO] inclusively and without exception,” Germany’s representative said, adding that it hoped the lack of invitation for all observers that have attended in the past few years could be rectified by next year.The Burkinabe representative thanked Taiwan for its long-term assistance in health services in Burkina Faso, adding that the WHA should not leave any nation out.Meanwhile, Legislative Speaker Su Jia-chyuan (蘇嘉全) on Facebook thanked all diplomatic allies and other friendly nations for their support.Taiwan could not condone China’s blocking of the nation from attending the WHA — and by extension cutting Taiwan off from the WHO — on the basis of political reasoning, Su said.It is heartening to see 11 nations support it in its efforts to be invited to attend the WHA as an observer, Su said.Taiwan’s health and medical systems are renowned worldwide, and its ample experience in disease prevention has been recognized worldwide, Su said, adding that allowing Taiwan to participate in the WHA is not only upholding the basic human rights of its 23 million people, but also ensuring that Taiwan’s knowledge could be added to the global effort on disease prevention.Su called on legislators across party lines to support the government’s initiative to fight for more support for Taiwan on the international stage.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

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